I feel really weird right now. Last night I was bubbly and filled with possibility, a million ideas for my friend’s theater company. I had a great day of work. Did a wee bit of writing. Went to bed late with a head full of thoughts.

So this morning I wake up, my normal BLAH. Last night I tweeted that I couldn’t wait for my morning coffee and now here I am. BLAH. Back to bed. Up. Back to bed. Sigh…

I eventually check my phone and see that mom has been set FREE. I call her and she is on her way home, which confused me because she has an appointment with her surgeon this afternoon. She said she wanted to go home first, which made sense, but I then immediately thought she was bailing on her doctor appointment, so like an idiot I tell her I’ll meet her there. NOT because I want to, not because I need to—but because I want to make sure she goes. WHICH IS RIDICULOUS. And I realize this a few hours later, of course I’m not going, she’s an adult and she can go or not go on her own.

Grrr. I’m annoyed at myself. I’m feeling foggy and grumpy. I want the me from yesterday back, that me had mojo.

Do I write it out? What’s causing this? I have a million and twenty-seven things I can do and want to do but………………………………………..

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