Hello blog. I’ve been away for a few days. Why? Not too sure. Been busy but most week/weekends that’s true. Not enjoying the new set up in WordPress, looks more cluttered to me and has me all confused. I’m sure it just takes time to adjust, but I haven’t had the time to play. Not to mention there aren’t new widgets that I see. I want more choices for my sidebar, why can I only use RSS feeds or text. Why not flash badges? Do you know how frustrating it is not to be able to use those nifty flash badges? Grrr.

The quick roundup involves me getting a new part-part time position as a Board Coordinator. All is well with this and I am happy and looking forward to learning all about this organization and being a part of the fun, but I found out on Friday and was asked to do an orientation Sunday and well, my first board meeting will be…tonight. Lucky for me, I’m just observing.

I’m also spending all week at a Grant Writing workshop. Again, the non-profit nerd in me is very excited and happy my employer is investing in my future. However, this was decided, um, last Monday and the workshop starts, today. I have invitations that need to go out this week for a VERY VERY LARGE EVENT and a swanky pre-event before the very, very large event. You see, these dates are all plugged into my calender. And being but one, I didn’t have the chance to get everything done the week before hand. (Think printers, and proofers and happy list makers.) Somehow in between the week long training, I will also need to be in the office getting these invitations ready to go out this week. Hmmm.

Of course the weather is going to be lovely since I will be stuck indoors, so you have me to thank for beautiful sunshine when it happens this week!

As for the weekend…twas another back to back festivus. Which always makes me long for another day off to recover. Friday night I had to do some shopping for work, and shopping for presents and grocery shopping. Saturday morning I hung out with friends Jenn and Alex and their daughter at RolyPoly’s. TOO FUN, seriously, I wish they had an adult night! I fell in love with one little boy that just was TOO EXCITED to follow all the directions properly. As Mark said, “yeah, he’d be fun, until you had a kid like that.” After RolyPoly’s we went to our friend Nicole’s baby shower. It has been FOREVER since seeing her and she looked so freaking cute!!! And ready to have a baby!!! As soon as I walked back in the door of my house I had serious throwing together of food to do to prepare for a dinner at a friends house for LindaLu’s birthday. One baked spinach artichoke dip, seven layer taco dip, chocolate covered strawberries and batch of double chocolate brownies later we arrived late to the party, ate great food, had wonderful drinks and a merry ol time.

SUNDAY morning BRIGHT AND EARLY I was up and at orientation for the new place of employment. Whew…not a fan of this happening on a Sunday. Not. At. All. Leaving Mark in that cozy bed and having to be somewhere by 8 am. Ick. After orientation several hours later it was Family Concert time with my niece LittleA, her mommy and Mark. The concert was fine, but went a little long and might have been too much for her young age. Although the concert hall was filled with youngsters her age…gonna wait a few more years before taking her again.

And with that? I also found time to open windows and get some spring cleaning done, roast a chicken and do a wee bit of reading. Anything but the computer for me. Anything.

And now, I must sign off to work…

I just realized I have been getting all this bloggy type information out to people, but only in wee doses by twitter. So if you see I’m not blogging as much, you should be checking out my twitter feed over there on the sidebar. I update that several times a day even when this blog is vacant. And you can even subscribe to my feed! I know, you love me that much to know what I’m twittering, right?

Maybe more later…gonna be a busy busy night!


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