After having now, TWO nights of completely restless sleep, followed by two LONG days at work which have not even allowed for lunch breaks and seeing another long work day today followed by a work meeting after work. I’m whooped.

My dreams last night haunted me, they were terrible. I felt like I every time I woke I fell back into the dream. I can’t even describe it…my brother and I were somehow salvaging the remains of our childhood home that had been left abandoned to rot for the last (18 years?) and we just kept going back inside and finding more memories each time. So odd. And strangely disturbing. I mean, when was the last time I thought about my Gma Smith’s rust colored chair or or ugly plaid couch? Or dad’s lunchpail on top of the freezer in the dining room or the knick knacks on the glass shelves hanging in the windows or the quilted puffy hamper in the bedroom…or the plastic cracked bread box or red tin cat food bins. Um, never. But last night my brain went through each room in painstaking detail one by one and did an inventory of all the *things* that were somehow *left* that my brother and I were now trying to *save* Of course everything was ruined. It was truly awful.

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