When we met he had a hat very similar to this one, only purple. I called him purple hat /truck guy. And then he lost his favorite hat. And he his purple (ok, Maroon…) truck died.
So this is what my week and a halfish looks like…
TONIGHT we have friends coming over. Tomorrow night is Christmas with the Smiths. (My two cousins, and Brother’s family, the only Smiths left) Saturday I’m hosting Christmas at my house for my Mom and immediate family. Sunday is Christmas Eve (My brother’s house?) Monday we visit Mark’s family. (Tues/Wed/Thurs) Visit with Friends? Friday- My birthday. Saturday- Christmas with my extended family and night on town with High School Friends Monday- Hosting NEW YEARS BRUNCH at our house.
Whew! I think I will need the next week off to recover!
And how are YOU doing???
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