Oh how I miss the time when I was poor and unemployed. Not really…

But MAN let me tell you all something. Working in the law office in the evenings. NOT too fun. Stand, scan, clip, staple, file? Ugh…I am doing a monkeys work.

My only salvation is my witty co-worker RachelBrian. No that is not his name really, but he is the perfect combination of my best friend Rachel and her husband Brian. Clever fellow. Fun to work with.

After a few tedious hours alone in the copy room, I usually decide to put on some music. I have a portable CD player that sucks the juice out of my rechargable batteries (since nothing else needs them lately!) I am going to start listening to books on tape (CD?) soon, I just need to get myself to the library, OH WAIT, that is if we still have a library, I haven’t heard the local news today.

ANYHOW. I was thinking about asking for an iPod for one of those special occasions that are coming up in the next month or two…this way in between my click-scan-scan-copy-staple- (squat**) rotation I can be amused for the entire night without my batteries dying

** I have been doing squats and stretches during the evening in between those horribly long one page jobs that take forever. MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME…but they are legs of steel! Or they will be.

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