Monday, January 6th – I needed some bit of inspiration. Enter Year of the Sourdough.

Goal: Fill kitchen w/ mason jars of starters. Gift everyone I come in contact with the life-affirming embryo of bread, sour, as an act of resistance and joy

I’ve had many, many sourdough starters over the years. As one would expect knowing me, none of them ever make it too long . YES I know you can refrigerate to stop the growth and then feed them back to life or even dehydrate some starter for future use but I just don’t. I even had a cup of starter from Art’s Cafe and it didn’t last long.

I’m obviously not a mother because, man, it’s WORK to keep feeding. And it’s HARD to discard the discard.

But, I try again. This time using King Arthur Classic Fresh Sourdough Starter.

And this is the update just a few days later!

My Sourdough Starters replicated into batches of Amish Friendship Bread Starters. My dear Moon Wife told me I’m in trouble “you have Sourdough Tribbles!”

Parm Chive Sourdough Started Discard Crackers

And I made my first batch of discard crackers. Parmesan Chive. Yummmm. My babies aren’t even a week old and they had a soury tang! Enjoyed dipping them in homemade onion soup.

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