The whole blog thing is weird.
Last Spring when I was in the dark doldrums of evil, I deleted my blog. All of it. Intentionally. At first I went black…but then post by post, I deleted material from September 2003 to May 2005. I didn’t want to be out there. Personal. Political. Practical. Petty. None of it. Delete. (I am impetuous like that sometimes…um, all the time.
I started printing out the pages of the old blog before I deleted it. I remember being amazed by the sheer volume of material. All gone. By choice. If it wasn’t by choice I would be freaking out!
Of course, a few months later I started blogging again. I have had countless *secret* blogs where I want to write about a certain personal topic or three…but they always fall to the wayside.
And last Fall, I was interviewed by Buffalo Spree and realized my blog was going to take a different turn (ever so slight, but I was now much more in the public eye, as in the VPs coming into work and saying they saw me in the Spree. Caution!) However, I do think I remain true to All Things.
A few months ago, I switched over to WNYMEDIA. I wanted more attention? I wanted more professional blogging software? I wanted to be a part of it all and was asked earlier and did not have the time to properly play with the idea…
NOW here I am! And since I moving, I notice a SHARP decrease in traffic, anywhere from 50-100 hits. I knew this would happen when I switched URL’s, AT FIRST. However, after contacting all my lists etc, I thought I would be back to normal. And above normal with more exposure, but that does not seem to be my case. Which confuses me and saddens me…however, I DO understand.
I have been taking pictures like never before…writing much, much more. Keeping notebooks of things to blog that I find in magazines (since I only browse about 50 a month) BUT now keeping lists of ideas for MY stories to submit to magazines.
Blogging has created a way for me to reach people everyday and make sure that I connect. I treat it as my own little column and fear that without it I would be even more lost…so I guess for me it is the opposite, without the blog I would be much less productive.
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