You all know the song, sing with me people
The YWCA has a meeting in our building today. When I said YWCA out loud, I unknowingly said it to the tune of that infectious wedding reception song.
The security guard who works with me has a son who is getting married this weekend. Mr. Security Guard asked me, the all knowing being of the universe…WHICH way do you do the C? Because he always gets it wrong.
So I dutifully performed my Y. and the M. and the C. and the A. And I realized I did my C with my RIGHT arm on top. So the C is seen by the *audience*
Hilarity ensues. Every employee that walks in to our building is asked to do the YMCA. Interesting phenomenon occurs. It seems that all of the WOMEN do the YMCA the way I do, but all the MEN do it *backwards*
So…which way is RIGHT? I did a little searching and found…
The chili pepper does it our way
But the Subservient Chicken? He must be male
Oh and the largest public YMCA dance was held here.
Back in the days of RED HOUSE at college? We came up with a lovely drinking game version of the YMCA. Which involved a batch of red house punch in an exam aid bucket. (Um, red house punch included, Vodka, Triple Sec Raspberry Punch, Kool Aid? And pretty much anything else you could find.
Gather a bunch of people together on the floor around red punch bucket. Insert straw into bucket. DRINK DRINK DRINK until the chorus. And then during the chorus? Roll over on to your back and do the YMCA with your legs. Repeat until ridiculously drunk.
Good God, what were we thinking?
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