What were you doing ten years ago?
1997. I packed up a Little Blue Beretta with my friend Carrie and headed to Raleigh, North Carolina for a year, after picking it out on a map. No job, no place to live. Just two crazy chicas and a Magic-8-Ball.
What were you doing one year ago?
2006 Yikes! Mark and I were packing up our apartments and getting ready to move in.
Five snacks you enjoy.
- French Fries
- Potato Chips
- Anything with Cheese
- Chocolate Covered Strawberries
- Caramel Frappicinos
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics. (How about musicals?)
- Jesus Christ Superstar
- Les Miserables
- Man of La Mancha
- The Music Man
Five things you would do if you were a billionaire.
- Pay back every little bill and person and loan I owe.
- Give lots and lots and lots of money to family and friends.
- Give lots and lots of money to charitable causes.
- TRAVEL, everywhere.
- Tuck away a little for a rainy day…
Five bad habits.
- Overreacting
- Avoidance
- Lack of Discipline (Personal Life)
- Letting Go…
- Whining
Five things you like doing.
- Anything with Friends
- Making New Friends
- Reading
- Blogging
- Ummmm. Something else.
Five things you would never wear again.
- I really can’t say that there’s something I would NEVER wear again…
- At least I can’t think of anything…
- You never know what the future holds
- And then who can forget theme parties…
- If anyone can think of something for me, let me know.
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