In case you aren’t aware, there’s a Presidential Election this year!

And with the many, many choices out there running, I decided to delve a little into their backgrounds by reading biographies. Guess what? The Buffalo and Erie County Public Library has these books in their collection, no cost to you!

So far I’ve read.

Elizabeth Warren – A Fighting Chance

Kamala Harris – The Truths We Hold: An American Journey

Pete Buttigieg- Shortest Way Home: One Mayor’s Challenge and a Model for America’s Future

After reading each biography, I feel like I have a better knowledge of where each candidate is coming from. I didn’t know much about Warren until I read her book and after, I am totally impressed. Harris, was my preferred candidate before she dropped out and I knew more about her background, but still enjoyed her biography.  Buttigieg, I feel like I also knew more about, but am surprised at how much I related as a member(ish) of “his generation.” (Sadly, I’m 9 years older, but still…) It was odd to relate to a Presidential candidate on this personal level.

Next, I need to acquire Amy Klobuchar’s biography.

My preference would be a Warren/Buttigieg ticket.  However, reality screams Biden will be the nominee—-My latest prediction? Biden/Klobuchar? Either way Harris as Attorney General.

Only time will tell…

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