I’ve already been yelled at this morning – when I told someone he needed a mask on in the hospital. I hate the general public.

Still not feeling great either. Meh. December colds are the worst.

My spidey sense has been crazy on point lately. Last night I thought “I need to call my mom.” I spoke to my mom on Sunday, she was scheduled for an outpatient surgery today and I planned on calling her to check in later today. But last night – I sat down to sit on the computer, I blogged and one of the words defaulted to “WANDA” um….ok? That’s never happened. And then I went to check Words with Friends and one of the bots that popped up to play a game with me — WANNABE WANDA.

Yep. Ok – I’ll call. Had a nice conversation. All will be well…

And this afternoon on my lunch break, mom called and said they admitted her to the hospital – heartrate through the roof. Observation.


And found out another friend is in the hospital. And another one found out bad health news. Not too bad, but still.

I’m just going to bed when I get home.