Category: HWMMSPage 1 of 8

All Things HWMMS (He Who Makes Me Smile)

“We’re all crazy. The key is finding someone who understands your kind of crazy.” -HWMMS

A category for my Husband. He had this nickname on the blog when we first started dating, because I couldn’t name names on the blog until I knew that the person I was dating would approve of course! I thought about changing the acronym to Husband Who Makes Me Smile after Weber Wedding Weekend but the HE part stuck. I find it interesting that people who just start following me realize I mean, Chuck without knowing what the initials stand for. And so it goes.

Projects and Experiences

A few years ago I discovered that HWMMS is more apt to do a “to-do” task when he labels it a PROJECT. Fix the front steps = PROJECT…

Vaccination Date!

A couple that has a Vaccination Date together – at least has a fighting chance to stay not seriously injured from infectious diseases together…so the old saying goes?…


Last night when HWMMS came home from work I went to hug him and he paused… “What?” “You’re covered with dirt, I love it.” “But you hate dirty…

All Things Springville St. Patrick’s Day

Colleen made a quick stop into Springville for some goodies to bring to a friend and I was able to get in a hug and a wee bit…


Is there anything more glorious than a sunshine filled day in February? HWMMS decided to take a wee nap ON THE HAMMOCK while I started seeds sitting on…

All Things 12/19/2022

Birthday Boy Bento Box Bounty at Fuji Grille.

All Things 12/2/2022

Me. I don’t wanna be social. Also Me. Walk in room. Extrovert off the chart Jenny emerges. Makes two new best friends. #HWMMSWorkHolidayParty   LONG DAY. Went into…

All Things 11/2/2022

My beautiful friend Jenn gave me this Anne (WITH AN E) of Green Gables Doll and I put it on the shelf next to the weird Halloween doll…

All Things 10/11/2022

Remember when I thought I’d be blogging (almost) every day? Hahahahahahahahahaha. HWMMS has been sick. Stayed home yesterday. Stayed home today. Today is my day off – but…

All Things 10/6/2022

THURSDAY DAY OFF! After a 9 day stretch of work, day off spent – oh in bed recovering from BOOSTER shot — which I’m certainly not complaining about…


HWMMS brought me blankies in the hammock. Happy. Peaceful.

All Things Dryer

Sigh… The dryer decided to stop heating up the other day. HWMMS took on the task of figuring out what was wrong and after trial and error ordered…

All Things More Peopling?

More peopling…what?! My handsome husband. <I LOVE HIS BEARD SO MUCH> and dear friends with good food and drink and happy community owner vibes.


I gifted HWMMS the gift of $46 of instant noods for his 46th birthday. Who says romance is dead? And yes, this was considered a fun gift, he…

I have a type…

Oh how I love a head of curly brown hair. #TomHiddleston #KitHarrington #HWMMS



Moonshine Pickles

Moonshine Pickles

HAM time!

HAM time!

Giant Gate?

Giant Gate?

Day #64 – Funk & Shiitake Mushrooms, Oh My!

Definitely been in a funk the last few days…I have been since getting my test results back.  MEH. I woke up after 2pm. (In fairness, I went to…

Celebration Dinner!

TONIGHT we are celebrating HWMMS having a rockstar week. He got the part he wanted in The Sound of Music (Herr Zeller) which is no surprise when he showed…

Penguin Amethyst Necklace

My growing in grey hair is a mess today. I needed to wash it but I couldn’t bear the thought it was too early and cold and snowy…

Christmas 2019 Before & After

A few of our Christmas 2019 Decorations Main Living Room Tree View of the Penguin Trees in the Dining Room and Foyer Tree Foyer Tree Kitchen Tree and…

Birthday Boy!

Gotta love the Festive Sweater. 🙂 I just realized this festiveness is not limited to the Christmas season and could be enjoyed all Winter long. Ha! HWMMS chose…

Curtain Up 2019

Curtain Up 2019! Me and HWMMS posing in the Market Arcade after I purchased… these GORGEOUS dragonfly earrings and pendant to wear with my fabulous (one sleeved) dress!…

Gummy Bear Addiction?

Scene: Weber Wonderland Bedroom Around 11:27ish pm. Me: Why did you turn the light on? HWMMS: I’m trying to figure out if this is an earplug or gummy…

Porch at Night

I love how much HWMMS loves our porch. It had me at hello. I bought the red rocking chairs before living room furniture! It took him a little…