I started the day in bed trying to be clever. This is Week #2 HWMMS has been full-time working from home.
Me: How was the morning commute?
HWMMS: Easy, had to pay the toll though as I passed Jordan sprawled on the floor. She demanded scritches.
Slept until 1. (Which was early! Not as sick!)
Scrubbed master bathroom top to bottom.
Reorganized linen closet and medicine cabinets. I had been busy back in January getting ready for what was on the horizon and had several boxes of supplies waiting to be put away. Here are a few notes from the trenches:
- I went a little overboard on the Kleenex. (They are the anti-viral ones too…) considering we almost never ever use them (we use toilet paper mostly) I can’t believe I over-ordered. 16 boxes on reserve and 5 boxes around the house. I think we are stocked, for life.
- So much Vaporub! In my defense, I found the Target brand was only $1 – so I stocked up.
- My one egregious fail – I neglected to stock up on hydrogen peroxide. I didn’t realize the stash we had was gone! (Usually try to keep several bottles on hand.) I have a Witch Hazel. I have several Rubbing Alcohol but I prefer peroxide. Of course there’s none online. And I’m not stepping foot into a store (or allowing HWMMS to do so either…) so my half a bottle will have to do.
- I did find an extra 3-pack of disinfectant wipes. Which is very good news. I have a package at each sink in our house (and by the front door, and in each car…) And another few in reserve. Also have a hand sanitizer by each sink, which is a product I never buy but bought a 3 pack in January because…just in case.
Washed bed linens. Did a little online content scheduling. Ordered more seeds. I ignored all press conferences. Only cried once.
Made more macaroni salad. BUT THE REAL KIND with Miracle Whip, Cucumbers & Radishes (we had a grocery store pickup this weekend.)
And I did some baking.
Pumpkin Banana French Toast
Sweet Sandwich Bread Success. Not much is better than a fresh slice of homemade bread directly from the oven. First time trying this recipe from the Splendid Table. My yeast was oldish…but that did NOT affect the taste. YUM.
I have a feeling I will be exhausted tomorrow. But today, I needed to feel somewhat accomplished. Because, you know…laid-off.
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