Sunday night was the last time I was, well…my O2 reading was low all day.
Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE the Pulse Oximeter I bought a few weeks ago? Talk about piece of mind! Yesterday I had my first 99 reading since I bought it. I almost cried with joy. My doctor advised me to do the nebulizer up to 4 times a day while sick. I’m really trying to not use unless I have to because I’m worried about getting the Alburerol script refilled. I have enough, for now. But in a month or two? Especially if I’m still having breathing issues and using a few times a day? I just need to be mindful.
As HWMMS said, he can tell I’m feeling better because I’m cooking again. Yesterday, I made steaks and mashed potatoes for dinner. Cooked up an extra one to use for fajitas for lunch today. I added shrimp, a bag of green & red peppers and sliced onions, loads of scallions, lots of paprika and shredded cheese.
Holy heck it was tasty.
And now, I have leftover shrimp tails and onion bits & pieces saved from the freezer and garlic and carrots and fajita juice boiling down to make stock.
I have two plans for the stock.
- Use to make rice for tomorrow’s dinner – trying a poor-woman baked Salmon Wellington idea over a bed of rice. We’ll see how that goes. I don’t have puff pastry, but I do have pie dough.
- Use the stock to spice up the two packages of Tonkotsu Ramen sitting in the pantry. Yes, I know this is a PORK base ramen, but I think the shrimp will add a nice touch. Will also add boiled egg, mushrooms and scallions of course. No pork belly maybe next time. I’m using things I’m finding in the freezer and pork belly isn’t on the list.
Gosh I do love cooking. I feel the need to step up my game because 1. I was sick for a month and 2. I’m not “working” and HWMMS is working from home full-time. My turn to take care of him. And us. And well, selfishly, me, because gosh, I do love cooking.
Also since I’m feeling better, I did the every other week Weber drive to town to pick up some produce/perishable groceries ALONG WITH an order of curbside meat to fill up our freezer (THANK YOU DAVIES HILLSIDE FARMS!)
I mean check out this package of DELICIOUS MEAT FILLED GOODNESS! They offer a new package weekly. This is the first time we’ve bought from them and won’t be the last!
I added two soup chickens and 10lbs of beef bones (for stock and the doggos…) They were sadly out of polish sausage (tis the season…)
Our bulk supply of farm animal has been depleted, so we need to restock!
It was really eerily unnerving seeing people out wearing face masks. It doesn’t feel real, it’s from a movie…BUT IT’S NOT. I was freaking out a little going out, I’m feeling better for the first time in a month and I wiped everything, had a mask, ordered curbside service. And we only have “one reported” case in our area. I was honestly glad to see the masks, but damn…surreal.
HWMMS has been out once a week to pick up takeout from a local restaurant, but neither of us have been inside any store or building for two weeks. Even the vet over the weekend was curbside. They came out and brought Jordan in while HWMMS stayed in the car the whole time. Me, it’s been much longer. Since March 10 when I went to the doctor.
Another thing I noticed instead of “Have a good day!” people say “Stay safe” or “Stay healthy.” Again, I’ve not been out, so hearing this today was, new. It’s a whole different world out there.
For company, I took along my Harley Boo for the car ride because CARRIDEISTHEBESTDAYEVER And unfortunately, this meant leaving Giant Conehead Puppy home, which HWMMS warned me against saying she would be distraught. Nyah, it won’t be that bad and Harley needs to get out.
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OOPS. Wrong. Here’s a video he sent me of our Jordana singing the blues.
She. Is. Ridiculous.
And I could not love her more.
Sending love and healing safe thoughts to you all…until tomorrow.
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