I’ve been up for MAYBE 2 hours. And had one nap. It’s bizzaro to think one afternoon of leaving the house to go to the doctor could leave me so exhausted. But, here I am.

Weber Wonderland is my everything. I sort of never want to leave. I’ve always loved my home…I’ve never loved it more than I have during the pandemic. Gardening, baking, canning. Self-sufficiency. Seeing so many people take part in these simple, comforting acts warms my soul. (Even if finding yeast and seeds is quite a bit more difficult.) A return to the before-before times.

Why you might be dreading the end of lockdown

“I’ve gone from feeling anxious and frustrated to feeling safe. Not just safe from contracting coronavirus, but really safe — like this-is-where-I’m-supposed-to-stay-forever safe.”

Strangely content today.


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