Our anniversary is the 27th (Weber Wedding Weekend – 8 years ago!) and has never been AFTER Memorial Day. I’m so confused. My brain had next weekend as PLANT ALL THE THINGS AND EAT SUMMER SALADS AND GRILLED MEATS. It feels all wrong which is completely appropriate for 2020.
Why isn’t it 5 o’clock yet? It feels like the longest Friday ever and it’s only Thursday.
I’m all over the place today. I find myself in a weird place, this was supposed to be the closing weekend of The Sound of Music which would mean CAST PARTY at Weber Wonderland and we always made sure the pool was open…THIS YEAR no musical, no cast party – and right now? Still no pool. And usually I’m all, meh, we have a pool. It’s fun to entertain of course but day to day, it cools me in the summer and that’s enough. But MAN this year, I’m craving it and wish we had it open months ago.
We made the decision to purchase a new POOLBA with our stimulus check and since we didn’t get the check until a week or so ago, well, the pool has been on hold. (It should arrive right after Memorial Day!) This pandemic is changing my wants and needs and desires. It would have been ready for the visit of me boys for Paddy’s Day, but alas. PANDEMIC.
After work we spent quality time in the garden and planted 50 pound of seed potatoes (purchased from Mark’s Country Store in Springville, LOVE THEM!) I’d say it was fun, but really it wasn’t. Satisfying after it’s done though. In between the pototoes we will plant beans. Lots and lots of beans.
HWMMS asked if we had enough beans and I laughed and laughed. I have a weird obsession with dried beans —and squash ALL THE DIFFERENT BEANS PLEASE!
I’d say we have enough. Seeds from Fruition Seeds and Sample Seed Shop.
I LOVE the variety of beans Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds have in their catalog, but alas, I waited too long to order and everything is sold out – CORONAGARDENS! I can’t complain, the more people gardening, the better.
Gardening at this stage is always so inpiring. WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? Give me a few weeks when the weeds take over and then a few more when things don’t grow and a few more when wildlife eats everything….grrrrr. But right now, HOPE!
And hope is something I could use a whole lot of these days.
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