1. Dandelions: Yes of course I’ve eaten dandelion greens. My problem is I seem to wait too long and then they are too big and tough and bitter or they are mowed down before I get a chance to pick them. I’ve also dug out huge chunks of dandelions from undesirable places and dried the roots to use for medicinal purposes, just sprinkle a bit in the coffee grounds! Easy peasy! And I’ve tried to gather lots of the yellow flower for wine but OH MY GOSH YOU NEED SO MUCH OF THE YELLOW FLOWER for wine.
  2. Lamb’s Quarters: Years ago this plant was my very first venture into eating the weeds after discovering the book Eating Wildly by Ava Chin.  There’s a random patch of Lamb’s Quarters that grows like crazy right behind the rose bushes in the front porch garden. I pull them out all the time and they always come back. But I also take the leaves and use them as I would spinach. The dusty white leaves for some reason makes me nervous so I do tend to cook this leaf instead of tossing in a salad.
  3. Plantain: We actually use this often to make salves but you can eat the leaves too. I pick it and rub on my endless bug bites while outdoors all the time. This plant grows EVERYWHERE. The one path between our porch garden and front lawn garden is completely filled with plantain, not sure how that happened! I really should start picking the young leaves and eating them.
  4. Chicory: Chicory isn’t as abundant at Weber Wonderland as it was in my homestead growing up. We have a few patches here and there but nothing too crazy. I’ve attempted to harvest the root, but for the most part they are small and not worth it. I would love to have a big patch growing alongside the driveway near the woods though.
  5. Bitter Dock—is the latest weed I’m trying to come around to accepting. Man oh man, this damn plant is invasive and everywhere I don’t want it to be. I’ve read you can also use the young leaves like spinach but I’m still in the position of disliking this plant because no matter how many times I pull it up from the side creek bed garden area, it comes back tenfold with a vengeance crowding out all the other good things I want planted instead. I’m thinking if I treat this plant with LOVE and eat it after pulling it up by the roots, MAYBE it will stop being a pain in my ass?

What about you? What are your favorite edible weeds?

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