Tomatoes frustrate me so…I’ve clipped them down to desperation level. No diseases this year but still so many green. I’ve only been able to can 6 jars of sauce.

Green Tomatoes

Four bushels of tomatoes. Green. Will attempt to ripen indoors because FROST/FREEZE WARNING. You know, only a month early. But I shall not complain. (Wildfires, Hurricanes…)

Green Tomatoes Green Tomatoes

Let’s see if they ripen, I’ve never had much luck in the past.

Bitter Melons

Also, gathered the last of the Bitter Melons. As you can see one of them was hiding in the vines.


HWMMS was a trooper and brought in all the peppers, they are still producing! Also we have 8 small turmeric plants and a few very, very late eggplants. The porch feels empty and lonely.

Covered Eggplants

HWMMS covered the two large eggplants in the garden. Spppppppooooooky, right?

And here’s the after. Bye bye tomato garden, until next year. (Ordered a cover crop of daikon radish to plant in this space, but right now Giant Puppy seems to enjoy the warm, flat soil.)