My Three Words by Chris Brogan. Pick any three words that you can use to guide you forward to success in the coming year.
What are the words that came to me for 2019?
Stability, Balance and No.
Ha. Ha. Ha. I think one might be able to tell that the last few months have been tremendously hectic. In fact the entire year has been a whirlwind of YES and new adventures and 12 hour days away from home and figuring out what might come next and trying to make ends that are falling apart come together and and and…BREATHE.
I’m at a weird sort of maybe good and stable place right now. (Shocking, I know.) HWMMS is in a stable place right now. Financially and professionally, it might be time to just buckle up tight, hold on and enjoy the ride. It’s been a LONG time since being in this position. Stability feels really, really good. Which is odd, because last year I was seeking out ALL THE THINGS! My how things can change in a year.
With stability…comes balance. I’m not my professional life. I discovered that this year after leaving my job at the Chamber and falling in love with community theater, which was pretty much the very first thing I’ve dedicated so much time to that had ZERO to do with anything “work” related. I’m on stage singing and pretending—because I love it. I guess I’m entertaining others too, but it’s selfishly for me.
I need to be better at finding balance. I’m selfishly finding I don’t want to volunteer my time outside of “work” doing things I do for “work” anymore. I desperately crave more time doing all the things I neglected to do this year blogging, gardening, reading, cooking…spending time with friends outside of attending events, just being together.
No. Saying no without saying, I’m sorry. No is good enough.
I don’t need a reason. I don’t need to feel guilty. I can say no and hang with my puppies. I can say no and cry in bed after scrolling through the news on Twitter and not want to go anywhere. I can say no to someone asking if I want to help with XYZ event. I can say yes if I want to, but I can also say no.
THIS IS MY GOAL FOR 2019. I’m old. I’m tired. I need rest. I want simple times with people I love. I want to pay the bills and give back to the community and not hate myself for overscheduling all the things. Can I do it? Only time will tell.
HWMMS picked three words too: Outside, Renovations and Read. We might be on the same sort of path. 🙂
And now reflecting on the words I chose for 2018.
Love. Love and Love.
Funny I chose LOVE. In general, I think of 2018 as a crapfest and I’m more than happy to put it to bed and welcome a new year. I think of this year and I think of all the hate and intolerance. Painful. I really do hate, that I hate so much, with every ounce of my being. And these thoughts have permeated my soul excessively this year. The President. The Republicans in Congress. The Supporters. Hate.
On the flip side, I chose the word love. So where was the love this year?
LOVE in the world of family and friends. Marriages. Babies. New Houses. All good things. All love.
LOVE with the world of community theater. A true passion I always thought existed under the surface, but once I embraced it, I was a goner. And truly, if not for community theater this year, I can’t imagine what my life would have been like. I say it saved my soul and I mean it. I had a miserable time with anxiety & depression this year. The only thing keeping me going was getting my butt to rehearsal at the arts center night after night. The fact I’m able to share this with HWMMS makes it even better. (And crazy. Crazy better.)
LOVE with amazingly good, kindred souls and new friendships, through community theater and through new job opportunities. I’m forever blessed and grateful to have so many wonderful relationships. The fact I cultivate new ones year after year, makes me feel like I win the human lottery.
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