This morning, HWMMS told me a friend’s mom passed away and another friend’s mom had a heart attack, which he learned about on Facebook. The one friend is not on Facebook, so he wasn’t sure where he saw it come across. The other friend I was texting yesterday and she didn’t mention anything.

Why did Facebook become the one stop shop for communicating these things?

“If you’d come today, you would have reached a whole nation. Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication…”

Both friends are people in my phone, meaning I text and email them, they aren’t just “Facebook Friends.”

One of the reasons I chose to finally delete Facebook* was because I needed to make my world smaller. (Peace of Mind & Friends. 3 Words. The 2020 Goals. ) I know a lot of people. In 2020 I’m making a conscious effort to pay more attention to the people who I’m the closest with – but not just by liking a status update or photo.

I built my friendships and networking circle before Facebook existed. Quite successfully I might add, I can do this. I am SMITHJ2 hear me roar! (College reference. Tee hee. I was always the one sending emails to friends and this was my handle…)

Social Media is a place I can spout off my feelings and thoughts, which as you know is HUGELY important for my well-being, but it need not be THE place for connections with others, especially the people I care the most about.

The transition is not going to be easy for situations like this. HWMMS doesn’t want to be my “messenger” passing along tidbits here and there because I chose to delete.  However, I’m going to try my hardest to bring back communication without Facebook. If I miss out, I miss out. I just hope people don’t take it personally if I miss out on something. TEXT ME! EMAIL ME! I’m still here!

Another reason I deleted, I want my content to belong to ME. I found I spent far more time creating snippets on Facebook and then going back to my beloved blog to recreate the moment. When in reality, I prefer it the other way. I feel like my best self when I create content on All Things Jennifer. I want to embrace THAT more in 2020.

Yes, you can still find me on messenger. I log in through the computer though and am not always checking it. (I still have to access Facebook for work, just not personal.) I deleted the messenger app from my phone and I never had the Facebook app on my phone to begin with, I always logged in through the internet.

Horror Writer Stephen King Has Quit Facebook: Here’s Why You Should Too

*The main reason I deleted is because I couldn’t stand the thought of this platform eagerly accepting millions of dollars filled with political propaganda and lies. I deleted my account (and Instagram because they are the same company) the day the Impeachment vote went down. Enough.

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