This is going to sound crazy, make sure you’re sitting down, I wouldn’t want to shock anyone. When I say I’m staying at home as much as humanly possible and haven’t had a meal inside a restaurant with HWMMS or friends or family since the Before Times – I ACTUALLY MEAN IT.

I haven’t been grocery shopping. I haven’t been in a department store. I haven’t been to any party or social gathering. The only time spent w/ more than 10 people – was at socially distant outdoor play readings a few times this summer. As soon as they headed inside – nope.


I. Hate. This. We can scream wear a mask from the rooftops but the people not wearing masks are still not going to wear masks until maybe someone they love gets sick or dies. And even then, maybe.

All I want to do is eat and sleep. I’m so tired I feel like I could sleep all weekend.