So Musk bought Twitter and all of Twitter is in a Tweet wondering how awful it’s gonna be.

Meh. I don’t plan on leaving. Or necessarily staying if it gets horrid. But I really don’t think I’ll be heading to any other social site as a replacement. I’ve already deleted Facebook a while ago (WHICH FEELS AMAZING) and I spent the other night deleting and unfollowing accounts on Instagram. I’m making sure all my content over there (lazy blogging) is over here before making any bold move. But people aren’t seeing my posts, because, reasons (algorhythm) so what’s the point?

Honestly, I’d be completely content with all social media exploding and going back to the days of having one red rotary phone in the dining room.

As I mentioned on the socials.

In case anyone cares – I do keep up with “All Things” over at Been there since September 2003 and not going anywhere. I mean unless a multi-billionaire wants to buy me out – of course.

2003 people. 2003!

I do need to get better with a weekly wrapup for people. I don’t like having the “sign up when a new post is posted” because I go in spurts where I backdate things and well, that turns out to be a lot of unwanted email. But I will start doing a weekly wrapup with links for anyone interested.