“Menopause is no joke. We don’t get enough help and it’s not your thyroid or your imagination. It’s a time of complete hormonal upheaval. Wait it out. Don’t give up. You will stabilize.” – Blogging Midlife

As if trying to navigate new “Long COVID? Autoimmune? Other Chronic Illness?” along with Depression/Anxiety, Asthma and T2D isn’t enough, this – this is too real.

I can’t make this up – guess how many of these symptoms I’m experiencing? The first 26 guesses don’t count. ALWAYS a 27.

I PRAY this unreal irritability towards people is hormonal & peri-menopause because right now, at this exact moment, with every single click I hear coming from all around me – I’m irritated thinking a person is coming in or walking by…It’s UNREAL. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh.

My friend laughed and laughed when I told her how annoying every single thing was ..”oh that’s menopause, I remember it well….”. And that made ME not feel alone. Still crazy and cranky tho.