Category: PersonalPage 3 of 26

Going for the PIXIE cut!

I’m going for the PIXIE cut! I made an appointment at Crown BFLO next week! I knew it was a matter of time once I decided back in…

Nebulize Me!

Nebulize me!  Anyone else having breathing issues this week? Ugh. Chest cold/virus has me so lethargic.  Had to get my trusty friend the nebulizer out today, inhaler not…

Penguin Amethyst Necklace

My growing in grey hair is a mess today. I needed to wash it but I couldn’t bear the thought it was too early and cold and snowy…

Live Simply.

Today’s pendant is from psenjoyyourlife. I’ve purchased her work several times over the years as gifts for others but this past Elmwood Festival of the Arts, I picked…

Cozy Penguin Snuggle Nightgown

Everyone needs a friend who knows you so well that when she sees a cuddly, soft, long, penguin snuggle nightgown, she thinks of you immediately. I’m completely in…

Sleepy Jenny

I. Hate. Mornings. Sleepy Jenny. Seriously. The first thing I think when I wake up is how soon can I go back to bed. I do not fall…

Eyeball Pendant

I have an eyeball phobia. So when I found myself drawn to this eyeball pendant made by Rancho Eyes at the Elmwood Festival of the Arts,  I was…

Holy Grey!

Holy Moly! Ditching the Dye and Going Grey! The grey is deeper than I thought. Of course I’m under fluorescent lighting too. I don’t actually know how long…

2020: My Three Words

My Three Words by Chris Brogan. Pick any three words that you can use to guide you forward to success in the coming year. Peace. Art. Friends. PEACE came to…

Day After Birthday Musings…

I’m so so so so so so so SO thankful for my theater family (and new friends) (and more time with old) the past two years. If not…

Christmas Eve 2019

Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house, I kept this bucket beside me because I felt like a louse. The stomach flu on Saturday kept…

Peeking Around the Corner from Depression

I’m thankful I dragged myself to my doctor a few weeks ago for #depression. I cried while answering the screening questions in the office knowing how bad my answers…

Ditch The Dye!

All in. This is me on the right with my beautiful silver haired friend Jolene on the left. After looking at this picture tonight and the one below…

All Things Tech Disaster

All Things Tech Disaster. There’s no such thing as mercury in retrograde, right? I just had issues with my work computer getting set up two weeks ago, my…

These are a few of my favorite peeps…

About two years ago I discovered instead of just sitting my butt in the seats enjoying theater—and reminicing about the days when I performed in High School (and…


Every. Single. One. Well, except not eating. I excel at overeating. And emotionally distant, meh. In the “please don’t check in on me I’ll be fine just leave…

Me (me!)

Me. Duuuuude. Somehow my camera took a double selfie. Or I’m astral projecting…and I have no flipping idea how to duplicate the awesomeness.

Monday, Monday

Monday. Not even this happy yellow volunteer sunflower from our garden makes me smile at 7am before coffee on a Monday. I seriously will never understand how morning…

Artisan Czech Glass Violet Bracelet

I can’t stop looking at my new present to myself. (If I need another round of antibiotics, I need something pretty to keep my mind off the ick,…


I had a not so great morning. Longer story, not needed. It is what it is. HOWEVER while at the doctor, the woman processing my paperwork looked at…


*Whining* This bronchitis is kicking my butt…I’m impatient. I feel better but sooooo not better. Sigh. That said, my mood today. Yikes, the veil is thin. I’ve cried…


My friend the lovely Ms. Cat K. has been in my *theater* orbit this past year (not just my *reenactment* orbit.) After she came down to Springville to see The…

Seven Years, No Itch.

No dress rehearsal, this is our life. 7 years and counting. Still no itch. 🙂

Mid-Performance Exhaustion Blues

Mid-Performance Exhaustion Blues. All I want is to stay cuddled next to Harley Dog and listen to the birdies chirping outside while someone brings me coffee & breakfast…

Player Piano

At work there’s an old piano in the hallway. (Which is awesome.) Someone is currently playing “Ode to Joy” (with two hands!) And it took me RIGHT back…

Things I (Now) Know, That I Do Know

2018 has been a long line of freelance jobs and 1099’s. And every one has twisty turvy led me to where I am today. Exhausted. No, wait. That’s…

Snowday #1 Update