Search results: "eggs"Page 2 of 3

Celebrate the Easter Season at the Broadway Market

Across Western New York many people take an annual pilgrimage during the Easter Season to the Broadway Market located in the heart of the Broadway-Fillmore neighborhood. While many…


Hmmm. How many quiche are too many quiche? Well, I made a dozen (there are two not pictured.) Mostly because I had that many delicious farm fresh eggs…

Springville Area Farm Stands

A repost of my latest article in the Springville Times – Summer Bucket List: Springville Area Farm Stands Buy local. Eat fresh! No problem. One of the many…


In a quest to use more of nature’s free gifts at Weber Wonderland I decided this would be the year I would weed, I mean forage for Dandelions….


Easter. HWMMS and I aren’t really Easter people.  I wonder how that came to be. I’m ALL THINGS HOLIDAY AND CELEBRATING AND AND… Our very first year together…

Tomato Egg Drop Soup

Since discovering this amazing soup at May Jen this year Since discovering this amazing soup at May Jen this year it has been on my mind to recreate…

Meatloaf Musings

Meatloaf Musings Me: Look honey, I found a meatloaf recipe with prunes in it! HWMMS: No. If you make that I’ll divorce you. (Two hours later.) Me: Honey,…

Stuffed French Toast

I really had no plan to blog about this stuffed french toast until HWMMS came out of the bedroom from his nap (he hasn’t been feeling well) and…

British Chippy & English Pork Pie Company

British Chippy & English Pork Pie Company. I knew this place existed and had not been there yet. HOW? My birthday seemed like a perfect day to try…

Avoidance Meatballs

I have so many words and thoughts running in my brain right now I’m not sure how I’m gonna get them all out, and how they are going…

Fertility Tales

It was a dark and stormy night. No, wait. Once upon a time? Sigh. How to begin. Begin. In the beginning there was a forty year old woman….

Jarvis the Goose, Eh?

Jarvis the Goose. Meet Jarvis. He likes to protect his Mrs. who is hidden off to the right sitting on a nest of eggs. I sort of cannot…

Tomato Hornworm

Tomato Hornworm w/ Braconid Wasp Eggs GROSS! So, so gross. But, beneficial to the garden. This is the 2nd one I’ve found this week. Tomato Hornworm Parasitized by…

Honeymoon in the Berkshires

I’m so behind on all things blogging about Weber Wedding Weekend. Ready? Remember the post not long ago when I talked about our honeymoon and we decided we…


Yuck. I spent two hours in our garden last night handpicking over 500 dang SLUGS from our precious garden. Seriously, they were EVERYWHERE and relentless! I don’t remember…

No Noo Ramen

No Noo Ramen A ramen noodle restaurant? STOP! DON’T EVEN GO THERE! You went there, fair enough I did too. I’ve been seeing a lot of BUZZ on…

Composting, me?

Composting, me? Yep friends. That’s a compost pile! Finally! Growing up we always had a giant rubber Tupperware bin in the corner of the kitchen to throw our…

Thank You Easter Bunny!

Thank you Easter Bunny! He Who Makes Me Smile and I started a tradition this year and bought two polish wooden painted Easter eggs at the Buffalo Broadway…

Old Fort Niagara: Tavern Night 2011

Last Saturday I attended a fundraiser for Old Fort Niagara called Tavern Night. “Spend a lively evening at a not-so-upscale 18th century tavern. Enjoy common tavern fare, tasty…

Knead the Dough

Knead the Dough. While staying in the country this weekend “He Who Makes Me Smile” took me to the cutest gosh darn restaurant in Niagara County for breakfast…

All you can drink mimosa brunch!

Cheers! How odd that the six of us co-workers even like each other enough to hang out on a Sunday for brunch? Not odd at all if you…

27 (times 3) things about me!

27 (times 3) things about me! 1. My favourite number is 27, so I shall give 27 random things about me. 2. Yes, I prefer spelling favourite with…

Chocolate Éclairs

Welcome to the Smith Sisters 3rd Daring Bakers Challenge! Chocolate Desserts By Pierre Hermé: Chocolate Éclairs. Click here for the entire Daring Bakers Blogroll. Note to self: If…

Filbert Gateau with Praline Buttercream

Daring Bakers July Challenge: Filbert Gateau with Praline Buttercream Welcome to the Smith Sisters 2nd Daring Bakers Challenge Filbert Gateau with Praline Buttercream! Hosted by Chris of Mele…

Danish Braid

Welcome to AllThingsJennifer’s very first Daring Bakers Challenge. Hosted by Kelly of Sass & Veracity, and Ben of What’s Cookin’? Daring Bakers June Challenge: Danish Braid Holy heck?…

Recipe: Texas Sheet Cake

Just ignore how very, very bad this very, very good cake really is. Tis Mark’s favorite and his family birthday cake tradition. Thank you. Moving right along. Texas…

CHOCOLATE! (And more!)

I needed chocolate. And the Brownie Cookies I made last weekend would not do…I wanted cake. (Like the cupcake I split at Cafe 59 earlier this week…dark chocolate…