All Things April 2020
Did This Month Even Happen?

Hello from Weber Wonderland! Where it is no longer snowing, but did a little too much this past month and we sport quarantine hair and we don’t care 24/7!

Back in the “before times” (aka MARCH) my plan for April 1st involved getting ready for – Tool *Fool* Fest event at work & our first Sound of Music rehearsal.

No event.

No job.

No musical.

One Month.

Ah, April…

I cried thinking about my privilege, thinking about dying alone, hearing about my friends losing loved ones to COVID-19.

I gave into the world of video chatting (reluctantly.) I agreed with, wait for it…ROSANNE BARR? Laughed at this Sound of Music parody.

I got feisty thinking about people not adhering to the rules. I TOOK A SOCIAL MEDIA BREAK FOR 4 DAYS! (For realsies!) A few days later I started to lose my patience again and wondered why I choose to volunteer as the admin on our neighborhood social media page.

I started to feel better (while Giant Puppy sang the blues!)  And then not so better. And I did a lot of napping.  And wondered what day it was. (Well, this is everyday…) I somehow fell into a routine-ish! But then slipped into blue mode…into covid-depression and made it back out and into just doing a bunch of nothing (instead of sleeping, nothing is a step above sleeping!) Zzzzzz.

I was thankful for my doggos, thankful that I don’t NEED the stimulus check because I still don’t have it, thankful for Words with Friends to keep me connected to my mom, for pineapple upside down cake, for game nights with HWMMS (Othello! Sequence! Dominoes!), for online library access and already reaching my 2020 Reading Challenge goal of 27 books.

I started thinking (reading) about gardening. Then finally started some seeds!
And spent lots of time weeding the herb garden. (Damn you chickweed!)

I made a list of GOALS! (And accomplished, um, one of them?)

At then at the end of the month, I STARTED GETTING SICK AGAIN and had my 1st virtual doctor appointment and started a new antibioticAPRIL 29th I FINALLY GOT TESTED FOR COVID-19 (but still don’t have the results.)

Of course I wouldn’t be me without creating a “few* news article roundups: here, here, here, here, here, here, herehereherehere

And randomment feature article roundups here and here.
And penguin only news here. And Springville area news here.

See ya next month! Same time same place. Thanks for reading.
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